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A1K9 Protection Dogs

Sallie Maclaine

Dear Charles and Gaynor,

When I had Zak out for a walk this morning I thought I should write to you and let you know how he is getting on, we have had him for a year now.
You will get a lot of news from Zak’s letter!!! But basically he is a terrific dog and settled into the routine. At the start I think he thought he was only passing through and didn’t want to give us his heart in case he got it broken again, it took a while to get him to relax and get enthusiastic about anything other than his ball.
He has just joined me in the study, Roger has let him in the house and he is lying beside me. Zak is a real joy to work with, he walks beautifully off the lead and I can command him from 100 yards away to stay, sit, down, turn left or right etc. he also comes to the whistle and if I pat my thigh twice, which is almost a silent recall he comes, up close he sits, downs, comes and rolls over to hand signals.

I have been trying to teach him to find things by placing items of clothing belonging to people around the house, giving him the scent and sending him to find, he is doing well, I think this is how he found the purse I was telling you about. That story had a happy ending, the woman had not been found that day, but by the end of day two it had been claimed. Finding new articles is his new game and he is enjoying learning new things as much as we enjoy teaching him.
Zak absolutely adores children, there are thee next door, 4, 7 and 9 and you should see him with them with his tugger toy, he pulls us applying all his strength to move us forward, with them he lets them think they are pulling him. He applies just enough force to stop them from falling backwards and he walks forward. When they are throwing a ball for him, he charges back and deposits the ball at their feet and he is so gentle when they are giving him a treat.
I have enclosed some photographs, he has put on about 8 kilos but it is mostly muscle, he gets a minimum of 45 minutes free running when he is out for a walk, which is everyday. Today he was spoilt; we left the house at 7.30am and drove four miles to White Park Bay, which is where the two photos I have attached were taken. We were out until about 9.20am.
He adores the water and in the water picture he is racing an eider duck. Roger loves Zak but because of his disability sometimes gets agitated with him sometimes. Zak seems to know that Roger is different. Roger does not always get the commands right, but Zak knows what he means. As yet, Roger has not taken him for a walk by himself, two reasons, he is frightened he will lose him and also Roger cannot walk too far because of his injuries, however everybody is happy when we all pile into the car to go to the forest for a walk!!!
Summing up I reckon buying Zak was the best money I have spent for a very long time, not only has he helped Roger but he has helped me get through the last year.
Many thanks for matching us with Zak, we have often joked that we will get a girlfriend for him someday, who knows? If we go ahead I will be giving you a call!!!


Sallie Maclaine