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Donna Stein
Dear Charles and Gaynor,
Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know how Sirius was getting on and to share a little story with you.
Here is an account of what happened one night, about a week after we brought him home. At about 1am, there was a disturbance at my neighbour’s property, who I knew to be away at the time. I called the police and when after about 10 minutes they hadn’t arrived, I went out in my pyjamas and wellies with Sirius. We were walking along a dark country road when a car came towards us with only the side lights on. I began to feel somewhat anxious especially when it stopped next to me. The passenger window wound down and the next thing Sirius leapt in through the window. Just at that moment I saw Surrey Police on the side of the car and shouted “friends”. With that Sirius backed off and started licking the startled hand. Throughout this, I had not given any commands; clearly Sirius was not allowing a situation to develop.
I was very impressed with his response. On a day to day basis, one difference I have noticed is that if anyone does approach the house, he always checks where I am first and then goes to the gate.
Yours truly,
Donna Stein