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Lisa De Roode
Dear Charles,
I would like to thank you for choosing the perfect protection dog for me, as you know I live alone quite a lot of the time as my husband is away on business. I also travel around Europe on business and spend time in Spain and the UK, therefore I needed the reassurance of a body guard 24/7 as I am the worlds worst person to be out on her own, always listening and worrying someone is going to break in, or mug me when out.
A1K9 provided me with the perfect solution, a Personal Protection dog. Arro is so loyal he never leaves my side, he goes virtually everywhere with me from alfresco dinning, visiting friends, business meetings and even the odd holiday in a chateau in France. You would never know he was there as he is the perfect gentleman, but he gives me complete peace of mind at all time, no more sleeping with one eye open, I now leave that to him.
A few of my female friends were so impressed they also ordered their own PP dog for exactly the same reason, whoever and wherever you are, the crime rate in the world is getting worse daily, having an A1K9 PP dog reassures you at all times, thank you.
Mrs. L DeRoode