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Becky P
Hi Charles/Gaynor and everyone
Just a quick note to let you know that Bud and Elsa are doing fine.
Elsa is settling in nicely and has become a lovely house dog. She learns pretty quickly, I bought a crate for her at night to begin with but she doesn’t really need it anymore. She has the odd accident but there is no point her being in a crate at night if I need her to protect me!!!
She was so delighted when she got her own basket next to Bud. She just kept getting in and out of it and prancing about. She also has a tendency to hoard balls and in the evening she has her matt in the lounge and she’s usually surrounded with them – we both think she’s great. She is a little more mischievous than Bud but she’s so funny and a joy to have around.
Bud and her get on really well and seem to get closer all the time.
They love to play together and they’re great with toys and balls and never fight over them, Bud gives up 🙂 or she usually gets there first!
I feel really safe with her in the house. Kevin has come home in the middle of the night a couple of times, after nights out and she is very wary until she knows who it is. I wouldn’t fancy being an intruder, she sticks right next to me and is clearly “guarding” me. My mum took her out when we were away and she was off the lead. It was getting dark and mum was walking through a field. A bloke by himself started walking towards her and Elsa apparently walked in circles round my mum, never taking her eyes off the man. He took another direction. I have no idea if he was dodgy but luckily didn’t need to find out.
Here’s a couple of photos, they’re not very good, just snaps from my mobile.
Will see you sometime in the next year for a bit of top up training to keep Elsa sharp and to wake up Bud 🙂
Becky, Kevin, Bud and Elsa x