See what people are saying



Hi Charles, sorry it’s much later than planned but here is my customer review for A1K9 and Izzo.

I can’t believe that on the 6th July this year we will have had Izzo 4 years (where has the time gone ?) So I feel that is more than enough time for an accurate and honest view of life with an A1K9.

Buying Izzo from yourselves is the best decision we’ve ever made. He is my constant and unwavering loyal companion, I trust him with my and my families life knowing that no matter what he always has our back !! He is so well trained, a real gentleman and has a real character and personality that every day he makes us laugh with his playful antics.

He is an absolute dream in all ways, so thanks Charles for all the hard work and time that you invest in all your dogs, it certainly pays off and it shows !!

At this difficult time, with my partner being a key worker I spend many hours stuck at home but without Izzo for company I know it would be much harder. He definitely helps with the social distancing but always has ( long before we had ever heard of the phrase).

To finish off I would say to anyone unsure about going ahead with a purchase of an A1K9, do it !!

You’ll have absolutely no regrets and a best friend and protector all in one. I know that when the sad day comes, that as long as I can afford it, I will be back for another, no hesitation !!
All the best, Michelle.