World Class Training

Security Dog Handler Training Courses

At A1K9, we offer security dog handler training courses for those wishing to pursue a career within the commercial security sector.

Security Dog and Handler Training Facilities

We are firmly committed to helping raise the standards of security dog handlers within the security sector. We believe that by raising these standards, companies and individuals involved within the sector will be treated as professionals and will be able to charge more realistic rates for the services that they provide.

A1K9 is an accredited training and examination centre; you can view our accreditations here.

Every member of our instructor team is fully compliant with current legislative requirements governing the use of dogs within commercial sectors and is highly trained in offering security dog handler training.


Training personel who work as part of a clients close protection team is something that A1K9 have done for many years.

We Are Committed To Raising The Standard Within The Security Industry, Helping Security Dog Handlers To Achieve Recognised Qualifications With Their Dog.

BIPDT Security Dog Handlers Accreditation

The BIPDT security dog handlers accreditation is awarded to a dog and handler team after successfully completing the course and subsequent tests. They must also remain in force for a period of three years, after which time the dog and handler are re-tested.

At the time of the test, the candidate will be asked questions relating to their dog's health, all of which are covered in the BIPDT security dog handlers handbook.


Level 1 Accreditation

The level 1 accreditation consists of sections focused on the ability of both the dog and handler, incuding:

Obedience Work

There is now also a level 2 accreditation which further tests the capability of dog and handler teams, designed for those who wish to progress their training and knowledge to a higher level.

  • Heel work, including turns to both the left and right.
  • Sit.
  • Down.
  • Stay (in sight of the handler).
  • Recall.
  • Present (the dog sits up in front of the handler to re-attach the leash).

Agility Work

The dog must be taught to negotiate certain obstacles, for example, a 3ft hurdle and a 4ft 6" solid wall whilst remaining under full and proper control.

Handler Ability

The handler must be able to fit a muzzle to their dog and must show that they are able to carry the dog, if required, for at least 10 paces. The handler will also be taught basic dog care skills ie. grooming, feeding, and how to recognise common ailments and indications of other potential problems ie. poisoning, twisted gut etc. The handler will be taught how to administer basic first aid to their dog and what to do in the case of their dog requiring emergency treatment.


Level 2 Accreditation

Dealing With an Intruder

The dog and handler team are taught how to deal with an intruder once they have been located and the dog may have to demonstrate its ability to protect its handler from attack. Once the situation has been brought under control, the dog and handler team will be shown how to safely escort the intruder to a designated area.

Further BIPDT Information

We are experienced in supplying bespoke security dog handler courses for those operating as part of residential security teams or working as close protection officers.

The security dogs handler handbook along with the full details and cost of accreditations is available from BIPDT via the security page on their website, contact details for the training venues and accredited assessors that may be more local to you can also be found there.

Patrol, Location & Criminal Work

The handler is taught to patrol in a properly coordinated manner with their dog and to recognise indications given by the dog that there may be an intruder on the premises.

The dog is taught to bark having located an intruder.

For More Information
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We'd be delighted to chat through your requirements and to answer any questions you may have.