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Brian & Ellie-Rose Phillips
Dear Charles and Gaynor
I just had to put pen to paper to say a big thank you. First of all for the hospitality that you showed to my daughter and I, Carol and Paul. We had travelled to Wales from Brighton. When we arrived you made us so welcome it felt as if we had known each other for longer than the introductions we had just made.
Because of a few problems that had happened at my house I felt the need to buy a dog that would protect, be a friend and a pet all at the same time. From the dogs that you had ready on the Internet I straight away said Jay was the dog I wanted and from the first meeting with Jay I knew I was not going to be disappointed. He took to my nine-year-old daughter straight away. The training with Gaynor was really pleasing in as much that nothing was too much trouble to go over time and time again. The way Jay has been trained is a huge credit to Gaynor. On arriving home with Jay I felt at first he might take a few days to settle, but he settled in and made himself right at home. He loves my daughter and me to bits. Jay does not bark at other dogs when we are out but lets us know when someone is coming to my house. This is all credit to your brilliant Company A1 – K9 and the way you train and look after all the dogs you have. That goes for your staff as well.
Once again many, many thanks for the way we were all treated and most of all for the new addition to my family.
With regards,
Yours sincerely
Brian and Ellie-Rose Phillips