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David and Kathy N
Hi Charles,
Joker is doing great, he is settling in fine and we absolutely love him to bits, he is wonderful.
He goes for a walk in the morning, then has breakfast. We then take him to our offices in Torquay were he sits in my office, well actually on the balcony overlooking the harbour so he can watch what”s going on, which he loves. At lunch time he goes for a walk down to the beach, yesterday he even had a ice cream. At home time we go for a long walk about two to three miles each day through the woods near our estate. When we get home he has a long drink and then plays with his toys until he has dinner after which, he sits down and watches the television with us.
As I type this he is currently under my office desk awaiting his morning stroll. He is an incredibly clever dog, so much so, I”m thinking of making him a director.
Once again Charles thank you and of course Gaynor so much for selling us Joker, he is our best friend and already a much-valued part of the family.
Kind Regards
David & Kathy