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Fredrik and Family (Spain)
A1K9 Naro
After having a home intrusion during the night I started to research ways to become a harder target.
Since we have small children I was not sure if a guard dog would be safe around my children of 4 and 8 years.
Researching the internet left me even more unsure, however, after talking to Charles and a few of his clients I decided to take my son and go and see his premises and dogs in Wales. After looking at a few dogs we fell in love with Naro, a large male GSD.
After the handover carried out in Spain, Naro quickly became one of the family and fully integrated after about 3 weeks.
We have had Naro since May 2009 and he is a loyal, perfectly safe dog around any child and fully capable of defending us if needed.
I must say that I 100% trust Charles judgment picking out a suitable dog for any family with kids.
Best regards