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Lai & Angela Man

Dear Charles, Gaynor all at A1 K9

Just writing to THANK YOU for everything you have done in the last few weeks. From start to finish you made us feel welcome, with your warm hospitality and informed with your extensive advice and knowledge. You listened carefully to our requirements and matched us with a wonderful dog – A1 K9 would definitely give “Cilla” a run for her money, we couldn’t have asked for a better service!

From day one “KAZ” has been a delight and settled into family like a duck to water. He’s such a loveable and playful dog but at the same time, protective of his new surroundings. We can’t believe how well behaved he is, both in the family home and in the business premises – when he has a chance he love to meet our customers. The training Kaz has received really shows through in all situations – all credit goes to A1 K9 and Lindsey, his trainer.

We would wholeheartedly recommend A1 K9 to anyone considering buying a dog. We can’t thank you enough for all your time and effort in supplying us with Kaz – we haven’t just bought a dog but acquired and asset to the family, a loyal companion and steadfast protector. Kaz has been an angel, a true ambassador for your company.

We look forward to seeing you all and all your fabulous dogs soon!

Kindest regards,

Lai & Angela Man