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Steve and Natasha
Hi Charles & Gaynor
Just thought we”d give you a quick update. Max was born on 5th July weighing 6lb 15oz although he is now a rather robust 10lb 8oz. Tyson has taken well to him and pops his head over the moses basket to check he is okay now and again. When we are out and anybody approaches the pram to look at the baby we have noticed that Tyson makes sure he is by Max”s side, I don”t think he will allow any harm to come to our little fella!! We are always being stopped by people when we are out walking to tell us what a lovely dog we have and how nice natured he is. After losing Zeus we thought we could never love a dog as much again but Tyson has won our hearts and is an integral part of our family, we are over the moon with him!!
Hope all is well with you & thanks again for finding us such a great dog for a second time.
All the best,
Tasha & Steve