See what people are saying

Tim Rolfe
Firstly I would like to thank you and your team for your help and advice over my two visits to your kennels and facilities which are second to none and that I would take the time to recount the story of how I obtained the right dog.
As you are aware I am the head keeper on a large North Cotswold Estate and since taking up the position three years ago we have been plagued with the problems of people trying to break into the properties and poaching seems to be at an all time high. To this end it was suggested that we find and purchase a trained dog and the search to find a suitable supplier for such a dog was on.
Regretfully, although I initially spoke to you my boss decided to go to another company based in Leeds who also advertises on the internet. They were very keen to sell me a dog very quickly and agreed to knock off money for cash and supplied a dog called Dave and after having Dave for a week the dog turned on me and my wife.
I phoned the company they basically said that it was my fault but if I was not happy they would change the dog. The second dog arrived and straight away i could see that it was not up to the job, however, I was talked into keeping it for two weeks to let it settle down. After two weeks the dog did settle down but was scared of its own shadow and when I telephoned the company to complain, their attitude was that they didn”t want to know.
So this is when you were good enough to see me again.
The dog which you chose for me was Bak and from the first time I saw him I knew he was the dog for me. Bak he was one of your more expensive dogs but the time spent on his training and was immediatelyevident from the first demonstration.
We have had Bak for eight months now and he has settled into a very busy family house with two young children and we also have another twenty three working dogs in the yard and Bak has befriended them all.
Once again thank you for helping me find the right dog not only for my home life but also to aid me in my work, helping to keep me safe when out on night patrols around a very large and dark estate.
If anyone wishes to contact me regarding the service that I have received from A1K9 or wants the heads up on where not to buy a dog from, please make contact through Charles or Gaynor at A1 K9